Quarterly scientific journal

Rostrum of Asclepius Vol 14, No. 4 (2015): October - December 2015

Vima AsklipiouRostrum of Asclepius Vol 14, No. 4 (2015): October - December 2015


The concept of quality in health services | 247-252

Nikolaos Rikos


Students learning styles in Nursing science | 253-274

Eleni Christodoulou , Zoe Roupa


Learning has been the subject of extensive research effort. Nursing education is undoubtedly a complex scientific field, which integrates nursing theory and practice and addresses to a diverse population with varied learning styles and preferences. Aim: The aim of this study was to underline the importance of nursing students' learning styles in the learning process. Methodology: Literature review was conducted, which included research articles in electronic databases Pubmed and Google Scholar referring to nursing students' learning styles and were published during the period 2000-2015. Key words such as "learning styles", "academic achievement", "nursing students", "education" were used. Results: Researchers' intense interest on learning style theories and students' learning preferences has been made prominent. Nursing student population, often described as a diverse cohort, have multimodal learning styles. Moreover, there is a distinctive learning style variance depending on the year of studies. There is a great dispute on whether. learning styles influence academic performance or not. Conclusions: Identifying nursing students' learning styles could be a valuable tool for educators in order to design, develop and reinforce teaching curriculum. Nursing education is a challenging field. Multiple and various teaching strategies and techniques in accordance with students' characteristics and preferences are indispensable elements for quality nursing education

Keywords: Academic performance, diversity, dominant learning style, learning styles, nursing edu

Original Paper

Nursing staff compliance while implementing and maintaining hand hygiene protocols | 275-286

Stavros Stafylidis , Sofia Triantafyllidou , Vasiliki Rafaela Sita , Thedora Kafkia


Hospital acquired infections constitute a major public health problem that endangers the safety of patients and is associated with a significant increase in morbidity, mortality, as well as the duration and cost of hospitalization. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the nursing staff compliance with hand hygiene protocols during every day clinical practice. Material-method A descriptive study was performed. The research was conducted in different wards of two general hospitals; one in Athens (hospital A) and one in Thessaloniki (hospital B) during March to May 2014. The population of this study was 200 nurses and nursing assistants (100 from each hospital). The sampling method used was non-probability (convenience). Data collection was performed one through anonymous self-report questionnaire. SPSS 20 was used for statistical analysis. Results: The 84.5% (n=169) of the study population were women. The median age was estimated at 39(±7.47) years. From the responses in the 11 most common nursing practices the following information on hand hygiene was collected: 78.1% of hospital A replied that they perform hand hygiene before applying antiseptic, while the positive responses in hospital B was 89.5%. Of those who responded positively, 89.7% and 82.5%, respectively, followed the appropriate protocols. The average time for application of hand hygiene was 55¨ in hospital A and 45.7¨ in hospital B. Finally, regarding hand hygiene during nursing interventions (drug administration, insertion on urinary catheter, venipuncture and dressings change), in hospital A 3.5% perform hand washing, 58.1% washing of the palms and wrists and 38.3% palms, wrists and forearms. The findings in hospital B were 6.3%, 56.2% and 26.4% respectively (p=.002). Conclusions: Statistically significant differences were shown on the implementation of hand hygiene but also on compliance to protocols between the two reference hospitals

Keywords: Hospital acquired infections, nurse, prevention, attitudes, opinions

Investigation on students views on evaluating the educational material on distance-adult-education in the subject of Prenatal checκ-up | 287-303

Penelope Siourda


An important role throughout the educational process plays the educational material which must meet specific requirements and to perform specific functions. The testing of the effectiveness of the educational material was part of a formative evaluation, and had as a purpose to adapt the material and make it suitable for distance-Adult-Education. Aim: The purpose of this study was to explore the students' views on the evaluation of the distance learning training materials on prenatal checκ-up. Method and Material: The sample was consisted οf 31 students of the Alexandrio Technological Institute (ATEI) of Thessaloniki. As a tool for data collection, a self-reported questionnaire was used with closed and opened types of questions. Data was collected between March and April of the year 2011. A descriptive statistical program was applied. For the processing of the statistical data, the statistical program SPSS ver.13.0 was used. Results: The majority of students (71%) considers 'very' current the bibliography used and on the question investigating the adequacy of the bibliography, 64.5% of respondents consider it 'very' adequate. On questions asking about the clarity of the material and its ability to cover any students' gaps on previous knowledge in Prenatal check up, high rated were the choices 'Very' with rates of 71% and 61.3% respectively. Conclusions: The results of the evaluation were considered very satisfactory and the students appreciated the produced educational material as consistent with the Principles of Distance Adult Education

Keywords: Distance-adult education, higher-technological education, educational materials, prenatal check-up

Systematic Review

Conflict management in operating room | 323-344

Eleni Alexopoulou-Giannopoulou , Panagiotis Markidis , Athina Alexi-Bourtzi , Georgios Vasilopoulos


Due to the complexity of the organizational structure and different viewpoint of health professionals, hospitals are places of major tensions and conflicts. Aim: The aim of the present study was to explore the phenomenon of conflicts in operating theatres. Material and methods: A systematic review of contemporary international literature was conducted. Specifically, we explored international databases Pubmed, Cinahl, Health Source: nursing / academic edition and Google Scholar, and popular Greek websites from health care scientific journals. We used the terms "conflict" and "operating room" or "operating theatre" in the titles of the articles. Results: We identified 15 eligible articles. Reasons of conflicts in the operating room that emerged were power, poor education, tensions regarding the materials or tools, personality differences, demographic data and obstacles emerged by the organizational structure. Consequences mainly concern the neglect of processes and medical errors. Coping strategies towards conflict were: discussion with colleagues, behaviour analysis, avoidance of the person who caused conflict, maintaining composure, warning his colleagues - preparing and creating the ideal team to avoid conflict. Conclusions: The conflict in surgery is inevitable, but can be mitigated if management exercises effective leadership, operating room is properly organized, climate cooperation is cultivated and the staff is trained regarding conflict management

Keywords: Conflicts, operating theatres, conflict resolution, conflict management, effective leadership

Case Study

Implementation of adaptive model «Callista Roy» in patients with coronary disease: Closure of gap between theory and practice | 304-322

Stefanos Digonis


Nursing Theory of Adjustment (Theory Roy) asserts that the individual is an adaptive system that ties in the changes of his environment. Inability of conformance is defined as "maladjustment" and signals the need for nursing care. Aim: The evaluation of the theory's implementation capabilities and the assessment of intervention's results in the study of an incident in Greek Nursing reality in a public hospital. Method and Material: A review of international bibliography is carried out in the electronic databases Pubmed & Cochrane. Then, was accomplished the supervision and the implementation of the model of Roy in a patient with coronary artery disease during his waiting for CABG in a University hospital cardiac surgery clinic in the province. The methodology of intervention based on the principles of the theory of Roy. Results: In modern nursing is necessary the creation of special training programs for patients with coronary artery disease for further improvement of their life's quality. Every preoperative day composed also a prioritization process of the patient's most important daily needs. From the model's application ensue the following nursing diagnoses: Day 1: breathing disorder, 2nd day: fear of imminent death, 3rd day: tiredness, 4th day: chest pain 5th day: sleep disorder. The daily nursing care plan based on the principles of nursing process. The patient showed a positive response to nursing care and entered in the operating room with the best possible psychological and biological state. Conclusion: Nursing Theory of Adjustment may be applied to the Greek nursing reality, if be taught sufficiently in Universities and become part of the culture in the exercise of Nursing Act

Keywords: Coronary artery disease, clinical practice, nursing education, theory Roy

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