Quarterly scientific journal

Rostrum of Asclepius Vol 5, No. 2 (2006): April - June 2006

Vima AsklipiouRostrum of Asclepius Vol 5, No. 2 (2006): April - June 2006


Taking Health History in Holistic Health Care | 259-261

Tassos Vartholomeos


The necessity for applying an homoeo- pathically taken History in Health Care, that supports the holistic and humanistic treatment of patients,is substantiated. This kind of History covers all the fine aspects of human existence, in the physical and mental and emotional level. An outline of this kind of History is given, involving the way of taking and analysing the Case, with the specific terminology and symptoms evaluation. Also the frame of application of the proposed History type is dealed mainly in relation to Nursing Practice in modem National Health Systems.

Keywords: history, health care, homeopathy nursing

Pulse Oximetry | 262-268

Sotiria Koutsouki , Dimitrios Kosmidis


Although the use of pulse oximeter is widely widespread in critical care settings, recent studies have shown the lack of knowledge of nurses and doctors. With the use of this important tool, hypoxemic episodes can be detected in time, avoiding the serious complications contributing thus to avoidance of the risk of a false sense of security by medical stuff. In this review are described the principles on which the pulse oximetry are based, the accuracy and clinical application as well as the limitations of its use.

Keywords: pulse oximetry, pulse oximeter, monitoring, cntical car

Special Article

The Purposeful Activity in Chronic Pain: Occupational Therapy Approach | 269-274

Ioanna Tzonichaki


Chronic pain is a situation with pathophysiological, psychological, emotional and empirical dimensions. Occupational therapy has an important role in the management of this multidimensional phenomenon within the interdisciplinary team. The aim of occupational therapy is for the person to competently perform activities of daily living (dressing, feeding, mobility, personal hygiene), professional-vocational activities and leisure activities (hobbies, sport, relaxation). The use of purposeful-goal directed activities can reduce pain and the persons sense of inability and encourage the performance of activities in the above life areas thus promoting the quality of life of the person with chronic pain.

Keywords: Occupational therapy, chronic pain, purposeful activity

The New Medical Deontology Code | 275-285

Ioanna Giareni


This article refers to the provisions of the newly enacted Law 3418/2005 entitled "Medical Deontology Code", which introduces many innovations in the Hellenic public order. In a concrete manner, the author refers to the general rule of practicing the medical profession, the relation between doctor and patient, doctor and society, doctor and colleagues. There is also an extensive reference to the training, the scientific research and the medical duties concerning the mental health care. At the end of the article the author analyses the provisions of the law concerning - among others - the medical decisions at the end of patient 's life, the medical support in the human fertilization, the transplantations and the genetic identity protection.

Keywords: Medical deontology, general rules of practicing the medical profession, doctor and patient, doctor and society, doctor and colleagues, training, scientific research, mental health care, medical decisions at the end of patients life

Children under 18 years old of Age Legal Protection against negative T.v. Effects | 286-291

Philomila Obessi


Greek legislation includes rules protecting children under 18 years of age against their exposure to television industry as well as against negative effects of T.V. ads. This article presents an analysis and critical appreciation of these rules.

Keywords: Children under 18 years, protection, television

Testemovies of Konstantinos Mermigas | 292-298

Eleni Alaxandri , Stamatios Evangelos Avrilionis


Historical review from the establishment of the Greek State up to the beginning of the twentieth century concerning the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Athens. The doctors, the exercise of medicine, as well as the difficulties that were generated by a multitude of practical uncultured healers who were practising medicine.
An extensive reference regarding the endeavour of the government to protect citizens and public health voting new laws and issuing presidential decrees.
A historical, philosophical, sociological approach of theme is attempted.

Keywords: Medicine, Nineteenth century, Doctor, Healers, Health, Presidential decree

Original Paper

Legislative Measures Regarding the Protection of Motherhood in Greece | 299-303

Despina Sapountzi-Krepia , Efstratios Kritikos , Katri Vehvilainen-Julkunen


The protection of motherhood and childhood are issue of highly importance, since they are directly connected with the continuation of a nation or of a national identity. For this reason, special measures for the protection of mothers and children are taken in almost every civilization. The findings of a study on the recording of the most important legal measures that were taken by the Greek government for the protection of motherhood from the establishment of the Greek State until the 1940's are presented in this article. The research carried out by using the historical methodology research.

Keywords: Motherhood protection, Greece, Legislation

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