Quarterly scientific journal

Rostrum of Asclepius Vol 7, No. 2 (2008): April - June 2008

Vima AsklipiouRostrum of Asclepius Vol 7, No. 2 (2008): April - June 2008


Stroke | 80-81

Maria Polikandrioti


Culture and Nursing Education: New perspectives and necessities in Greek nursing reality | 113-119

Georgia Gerogianni , Ekaterini Plexida


The present society consists of many different groups of people of different racial, national, social, and economic status. This results in the existence of social groups from different civilizations with different cultures. Culture is an integrated part of health and disease. Thus, nurses need to be informed about the different cultural needs of people, in order to effectively understand and satisfy them. The purpose of the present paper is to highlight the necessity of effective implementation of transcultural nursing, in order to provide holistic care to people from different cultures. Additionally, the need for improvement of nursing education is pointed out, which has to include more lessons concerning transcultural nursing. This will help students to develop transcultural competence. Finally, a number of suggestions are made concerning the improvement of nursing education in the context of transcultural health care.

Keywords: Culture,  Nursing Education,  Transcultural Nursing,  Transcultural Health Care

Possible danger in staff occupationally exposed to radiation | 120-134

Charilia Triantopoulou , Virginia Tsapaki


The successful use of radiological equipment in Radiology and the undoubtful help in clinical diagnosis and patient treatment led to the increasing use of this type of equipment. In the old days, the X-ray systems were only found in the Radiological departments of a hospital. In recent years, these machines are used by orthopedic surgeons, angiosurgeons, gastroenterologists in the surgery room, or by interventional radiologists and cardiologists in specialized departments. They are even moving between departments (mobile X-ray systems) for performing urgent radiographs in very ill patients. Apart radiological departments, the personnel is not trained or even informed about the ionizing radiation. The main purpose of this review paper was to : (1) analyze in detail ionizing radiation, (2) to determine the dangers during its use, (3) to note down the main radiation protection rules and (4) finally to provide practical tools for best radiation protection in such hospital departments.

Keywords: Radiation protection,  ionizing radiation

Rehabilitation in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis | 135-151

Evangelos Giavasopoulos , Paraskevi Gourni


Rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis aims to the management of the consequences of disease. It is widely accepted that, no drug therapy at present leads to long-term remission for everyone with rheumatoid arthritis (R.A.). Consequently, patients experience physical, psychological, functional, social and role negative effects of the disease. AIM : The am of the present article was to evaluate the role of rehabilitation to patients with rheumatoid arthritis Method and material: The methodology followed included review of studies which were related to rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis Results :The majority of the studies claims that rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, is a matter of primary importance. The importance of early provision of specialist rheumatology care, patient education and promotion of self- management; and the evidence for the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions and multidisciplinary care. Conclusions : Individuals who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis can derive significant benefits from rehabilitation programmes. To provide best care, rehabilitation standards and services should be based on the best available evidence.

Keywords: Rehabilitation,  Rheumatoid Arthritis,  evidence‐ based practise

The contribution of education to the control of Diabetes Mellitus, type II | 152-161

Maria Polikandrioti , Antonia Kalogianni


Diabetes mellitus Type II, (non-insulin-dependent) consists one of the greatest problems that the individual has faced, globally. The number of patients is increasing dramatically every year and is expected to be double the next decades. The aetiology and pathogenesis of the disease is mainly attributed to genetic factors. The aim of present study was to evaluate whether administration of an educational program can contribute to the control of the disease. The method οf this study included bibliography research from both the review and the research literature which referred to the relationship between education and the control of diabetes mellitus, type II. Results: The majority of research studies showed that there is a very strong correlation between education and the maintenance of plasma glucose level of patients with diabetes mellitus, type II, within normal range. An effective educative program is mainly comprised of basic knowledge of these parameters that exert a beneficial effect on the management of the disease such as : healthy nutrition habits, participation in physical exercise programs, avoidance of sedentary life, self-monitoring of glucose, correct way to perform insulin injections, etc. The overall goal of the educative intervention is to help individuals with diabetes gain the necessary knowledge and support needed, to achieve optimal health by modifying their behaviour and adopting a more positive attitude to the disease. Conclusions: The present review confirms that educational intervention has beneficial effects on the control of Type II Diabetes Mellitus. The maintenance of plasma glucose levels into normal range indicates the effectiveness of education.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, education, training,   risk factors, life style

Special Article

Organization of transplant procedure: The institution of transplant coordinator | 82-112

Philomila Obessi , Maria Maniou


Human tissues and organs transplants constitute one of the most important evolutions of medicine, through which human expectations for prolongation and better quality of life came true. As Greek legislator has been conscious of this fact the last twenty five years, he has taken a number of legal measures in order to elaborate the framework which was necessary to facilitate organ transplants. Today, law 2737/1999 relating to transplant of human tissues and organs is in force and it is considered to be quite sufficient to face organizational issues that emerge before and during the transplant procedure. This Law has set two institutions in order to organize transplant coordination. These are National Organization of Transplants (E.O.M) and Transplant Coordinator. Aim: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate legal status, activities and practice concerning Transplant Coordinator is exposed. Conclusions: It is important to evaluate proposals and concrete solutions for the improvement of the role of the Coordinator are proposed.

Keywords: Transplants,  Coordinator,  Organization,  transplant coordination

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