Quarterly scientific journal

Rostrum of Asclepius Vol 9, No. 4 (2010): October - December 2010

Vima AsklipiouRostrum of Asclepius Vol 9, No. 4 (2010): October - December 2010


Needs of hospitalized patients with coronary artery disease | 395-397

Maria Polikandrioti


Satisfaction of patients from provided quality of care | 398-408

Ifigenia Kotsagiorgi , Kalliroi Gkeka


During recent years, the interest of health professionals has turned more and more towards to satisfaction of patients by the provided care of health. Aim: The aim of the present study was to review the literature about the satisfaction of patients by the the provided care of health. The method οf this study included bibliography research from both the review and the research literature, mainly in the pubmed data base which referred to the satisfaction of patients by the provided care of health. Results: According to the literature, satisfaction of patients’ needs consists a complex issue. As implementation of patients’ needs is defined the level of satisfaction of patients’ expectations related to personal experience and to the meet of internal needs. The results of recent studies indicate that the expectation of patients and the health professionals should coincide having as ultimate goal the reassurance of co-operation. It is widely accepted that the meet of needs is related to better clinical outcome since satisfied patients are more likely to accept medical treatment, to have active participation in their care and maintain trust of services of health care. Furthermore, assessment of satisfaction of patients’ needs contributes to the improvement of health care services and to better management of cost for health. Finally, it is widely accepted that the meet of needs consists a credible index of quality of care. Conclusions: Though the satisfaction of patients’ needs is a subjective issue, however, it should consist an integral part of the treatment.

Keywords: Patients’ satisfaction, needs of patients, quality of care, perceptions of patients and health professionals

Causes of infertility | 409-419

Maria Saridi , Elpida Georgiadi


Infertility seems to be a multidimensional health issue with personal, economic and social dimensions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 8-10% of couples are facing some kind of infertility problem. Infertility is defined as the inability of getting pregnant after trying for at least 6 months or one year, for women over 35 years old, without use of birth control means and while having normal sexual intercourse. Aim: The aim of the present study was to review the literature about the causes οf infertility, as well as the risk factors. The method οf this study included bibliography research from both the review and the research literature, mainly of the last five years in the “pubmed data base” which referred to the causes οf infertility, as well as the risk factors. Results: During recent years, it has been noticed a remarkable increase in the prevalence of infertility, globally. According to the literature, nowadays, infertility occurs not only due to health problems but it may also be a result of the choices imposed by the modern lifestyle. Results of recent studies indicate that, regarding women’s aspect, problems of fallopian tubes, ovary, matrix or disorders menstruation, are the main causes of infertility, while in regard to men’s aspect, the poor quality of sperm and varicocele. Other contributing factors were environmental, socio-economic as well as advanced age of child-bearing and smoking. Conclusions: As it is supported by published evidence, infertility is an issue of great complexity, which threatens with demographic problem. Information of couples regarding risk factors consist the cornerstone for prevention

Keywords: Infertility, causes of infertility, risk factors

Psychiatric disorders in chronic periodic haemodialysis | 420-440

Paraskevi Theofilou


The progress in Medical and Nursing Science has contributed significantly to the lengthening of life expectancy regarding several categories of ill people with chronic diseases. However, when the quality of life depends on the periodic correction of biological parameters, as with people with chronic renal failure, this situation affects both the patient and the environment. The aim of the present study is the evaluation of psychiatric disorders which are presented in haemodialysis patients as well as the influence of these disorders on their quality of life. Material and method: Review of relative bibliography was made in electronic basis of Medline (1980‐2009) using as key words haemodialysis, chronic renal failure, quality of life, psychiatric disorders. Complementary bibliography was found through other electronic search engines. Results: The chronic character and the frequency of renal failure, the possible dysfunction in the movement as well as the necessary long treatment cause problems, which extend the disease beyond the medical area offering socioeconomic dimensions, which complicate the associated psychiatric disorders. Conclusions: These patients suffer from the disease as well as from the treatment and at the same time they are faced with the number of the accompanying and interrelated problems, which come up in their everyday living and prescribe restrictively their way of life.

Keywords: Psychiatric disorders, haemodialysis, chronic renal failure

Εndoscopic sclerotherapy and variceal ligation: Nursing approach | 441-459

Eleni Dokoutsidou , Alexandros Kantianis


The increased morbidity rate, as well as the considerable mortality rate that oesophageal varices induce, render variceal bleeding prevention and therapy crucial to the overall treatment of portal hypertension. For this reason, there are two endoscopic techniques broadly used: the endoscopic sclerotherapy (EST) and the endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL). Aim: A review on the nurse’s role and significance in the endoscopic techniques of sclerotherapy (EST) and variceal ligation (EVL) based on recent bibliography. Material - Method: An overview of resent Greek and international literature mainly of nursing interest published during the last 25 years, on Medline. Results: EST remains the corner stone of acute variceal bleeding treatment. On the other hand, EVL has become the endoscopic treatment of choice for the prevention of recurrence of this serious portal hypertension complication. However, their implementation in variceal bleeding primary prevention is confined only to cases that medication is either inadvisable or ineffective. EVL displays more technical difficulties when compared with EST and requires further experience, although complications of the former are altogether fewer and less significant than those of the latter. Conclusions: The nurse who is integrally trained and familiarized plays a significant role both in the evaluation of the patient’s clinical course before, during and after the endoscopic process, and the appreciation of whether the endoscopic implementation has achieved its aims or not.

Keywords: Gastroesophageal varices, variceal bleeding, endoscopic sclerotherapy, endoscopic variceal ligation

Special Article

The role of nursing science in global climate ghange | 460-472

Theodosios Stavrianopoulos , Eleftheria Gevreki , Ourania Gourvelou


Global climate change has had and will have considerable effects on human health. Nursing must become more centrally involved in mitigation, reducing the acidity and response efforts of the problem. Aim: The review of contemporary literature available data regarding the role it can play in nursing science to global climate change. Material and Method: The method used to search electronic databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL, SCOPUS) for review of foreign language literature in 2009. The search took place in December 2009. As eligible for the literature review, the studies found that developing a framework for modern professional nursing action to address and reduce the acidity of global climate change. Results: The main modes of action can be taken by nursing to reduce the acidity of the problem is a) common tactics, which may be followed by all nurses, leading by example, giving advice and taking political action, b) to determine the specificity and the contribution of nursing in specific areas of general health systems, c) right priority of sites, namely the geographical environment is critical and determines the nature of the professional response and d) public surveys and studies on which nurses need to base their decisions because the nursing needs a dedicated area for research to support environmentally activity. Conclusions: The nursing should be linked closely with other professions and sectors in order to maximize national and international efforts to mitigate and combat climate change. The profession's response to climate change should be as varied as the sector itself, and from all countries.

Keywords: Climate change, nurses, nursing action, environment

Original Paper

Comparison of reasons of admission of young, age 18-30 years old in Intensive Care Unit to young adult, age 31-40 years old due to road accident | 473-489

Vasilios Tziallas , Dimitrios Tziallas , Vasiliki Ligga , Catherina Kastanioti , Vaios Douloudis , Aggelos Tsalkanis


During recent years, it has been noticed a remarkable increase in frequency of admission of young individuals in Intensive Care Units (ICU) due to road accidents. The aim of the present study was to compare the reasons of admission of young individuals 18-30 years old to young adults 31-40 years old in ICU due to road accident. Method and material: The sample studied consisted of individuals 18-40 years old that were hospitalized in ICU due to road accident. Data were collected by the completion of a specially designed clinical protocol for the needs of the research. For the analysis of data the statistical package SPSS 13 was used and the x2 method. Results: 81,2% of the sample-studied were men and 18,8% women. Regarding nationality, 80,1 % were Greek and 19,9% foreigner. 34,6% of the participants were unemployed, 21,2% were working in private sector, 20,1% were free-lancers and 16,2% students. 46,3% of individuals were admitted in ICU after transfer of another hospital. In 69,7% of the participants age 18-30 years old and 74,5% of 31-40 years old road took place accident at night and 77,3% 18-30 years old and 77,0% of 31-40 years old road accident took place on the way to entertainment. The statistical analysis of data showed that : road accidents were the main reason for admission in ICU of young individuals of age 18-30 years old with statistically significant difference compared to those 31-40 years old, p<0,001. Brain injuries as well as admission of motorcycle drivers were more frequent in individuals of age 18-30 years old with statistically significant difference compared to those 31-40 years old, p=0,018 and p=0,041, respectively. On the contrary, admission of car-drivers and those who had consumed alcohol were more frequent in individuals of age 31-40 years old with statistically significant difference compared to group 18-30 years old, p=0,041 and , p<0,001, respectively. Conclusions: More often admitted in ICU motorcycle drivers of age 18-30 years old, whereas of the group age 31-40 years the car-drivers and those that had consumed alcohol. Furthermore, the results of the present study highlight the importance of ICU in every hospital.

Keywords: Road accidents, admission in Intensive Care Unit, risk factors, age

Prevalence of depression among elderly on open care centers for older people | 490-504

Christina Stylianopoulou , George Koulierakis , Vilma Karagianni , Fotoula Babatsikou , Charilaos Koutis


Depression in the elderly is considered an important public health issue. Depression is the most common mental health problem among older people. It poses a critical impact on well-being and the quality of life of elderly and it is related with high expenses and great demand of health care services. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of depression among elderly in an urban area’s population and to investigate the aggravating and protective factors. Material and Method: The sample consisted of 360 individuals, 218 women and 142 men, aged 60 years or older, members of the four Open Care Centres for Older People (KAPI) of Agioi Anargyroi Municipality, in Attica. A questionnaire for demographics and phycho-social factors was used, whereas depression was probed through Geriatric Depression Scale, (Short Form - GDS-15), which has been standardized and adapted in a Greek elderly population. Results: 30,28% of the sample had depressive symptoms (22,22% moderate and 8,06% serious-clinical type depression). It was also shown that depression at women (70,6%) appeared in a percentage over than the double against men (29,4%). The symptomatology of depression occurred widely among widower/widows, elderly being divorced or separated, people living alone, those with multiple pathologies and elderly informal family carers. Symptomatology of depression appeared in a lower rate among elderly who took care of their grandchildren or participated in social activities. Conclusions: The ascertainment high percentage of depressive symptoms in our sample of elderly population confirms the emergency of creating a strong psycho-social supporting network aimed to prevent depression among elderly and health promotion in the elderly in the context of Primary Health Care (PHC).

Keywords: Depression, elderly, supportive network, urban area’s population, KAPI

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