Quarterly scientific journal

The preoperative anxiety of patients and its relation with the post operative status.

Evangelia Kotrotsiou , Eleni Theodosopoulou , Ioanna Papathanasiou , G. Tzavelas , Vasiliki Koutsopoulou-Sofikiti , Sideris Bakouras


The purpose of this study is to investigate if the patients' preoperative anxiety has an affect on their post operative status. Material-Method The sample of the study was 106 patients who where submitted to General Hospitals for operations of cholocystectomy and unilateral hernioplsy. The patients were selected through the submission lists and surgery lists randomly. For measuring the pre operative anxiety the STATE scale was used and for the post operative status three indexes were used, the post operative physical condition, the post operative mental condition and the post operative pain. Results The mean prooperative score of the state is 49.86±6.22. The mean pre operative score of the trait is 46.60±7.5I. The mean post operative score of the physical condition is 20.36±4.32, the mean post operative score of the pain is 3.I9±0.92. From the statistical analysis of the data was found that there is a positive correlation between the two pre operative indexes,state and trait. In terms of statistical significance P=0.005, the state is negative correlated with the index of the post operative physical condition and the trait with the index of post operative mental condition. It was also found that statistically significance exists between the post operative mental condition It was also found that statistically significance exists between the post operative indexes of the physical and mental condition. Conclusions The research findings state clear that the pre operative psychological condition of the patients has an affect on their post operative status.

Keywords: Anxiety, pre operative anxiety, stress, pre operative stress, post operative patients status, post operative physical condition, post operative mental condition, post operative pain, STAI

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