Quarterly scientific journal

Metaholistic paradigm. A new paradigm shift through the development of the complexity integration nursing theory

Sharon Van Sell , Ioannis Kalofissudis


Nursing profession is in the throes of revolutionary changes, a time when nursing leaders are frantically preoccupied with change itself, in addition, the nursing profession is involved in receding, shifting and evolving paradigms. Three visions of reality are expressed in the three paradigms in existence within the nursing profession including the mechanical paradigm, the holistic paradigm and the deep ecological paradigm. The Theory of Nursing Knowledge and Nursing Practice has evolved to incorporate the worldview of deep ecology and is transcended with the formulation of The Complexity Integration Nursing Theory to a metaholistic paradigm. Metaholistic paradigm is a spiritual inner self development, is a new way of thinking, understanding, acting, working, and living evolved through the development of the Complexity integration Nursing Theory.

Keywords: Metaholistic paradigm, paradigm shift, complexity nursing theory, nursing theory

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