Quarterly scientific journal

High-risk behaviors in teenagers. The role of nurses

Konstantina Ioannou , Andria Filippou , Ioannis Dimitrakopoulos , Alexandros Argyriadis , Maritsa Gourni , Evanthia Asimakopoulou


Introduction: Adolescence is a developmental age characterized by conflicts, emotional instability, psychological and physical changes that pose various health risks such as unsafe sexual behavior, risky driving and substance dependence. Aim: A systematic review aimed at capturing the factors that are due to dangerous behaviors and which include teenagers in the high risk group. Methodology: Systematic review of studies that have analyzed issues of puberty behavior. The search for relevant domestic and international bibliography was conducted in the Google Scholar, Scopus, Science Direct and PubMed online databases, covering the 2008-2018 period, with keywords to identify the appropriate articles/ studies and setting selection/ exclusion criteria for their inclusion in the job. Results: Dangerous behaviors are a complex phenomenon and are largely influenced by the social context in which young people live. Adolescents are generally regarded as one of the healthiest populations compared to other age groups. However, the literature highlights the substantial risk of mortality in this age group at a global level, which is mainly due to high-risk behavior in adolescence. Conclusions: The reduction in adolescent mortality due to high-risk behaviors is demonstrated through the implementation of appropriate strategies including, among others, access to contraceptive methods and the organization of family planning services, training and support for young girls on safe pregnancy termination, policies for greater safety in driving and avoiding accidents, organizing mental health services for teenagers.

Keywords: Αdolescence, dangerous behaviors, puberty behavior

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