Quarterly scientific journal

Child abuse in economic crisis conditions. The case of Patras

Katerina Nikolakopoulou , Maria Zafiropoulou , Mamas Theodorou


Introduction: The phenomenon of child abuse is a major social pathogenesis factor to the extent that it affects behaviors and attitudes, which are magnified in conditions of economic crisis. Aim: The emergence of abused child’s profile, the investigation of the type abuse and its aggravating factors, as well as the highlighting of the health system deficits both in central and regional level of the Municipality of Patras. Material and Method: The survey sample formed to 148 reports, out of the total 209, from the archives of Child Protection Group (O.Π.A.), Municipality of Patras from 2012 to 08.31.2016.Data analysis was performed with the IBM SPSS 20.0. Results: The 54.73% of children who are abused are boys, the 58.9% attend ordinary school and the 65.3% are pupils of primary school. The majority (61.9%) live with one parent. Neglect is the most common type of abuse (61.5%) with physical abuse following in the second place (25%).61.6% of families have low incomes and live in the South Apartment of Patras with the almost 30% to live in bad - dangerous conditions. 71% of mothers and 39.4% of fathers are unemployed. 50.5% of neglected and / or abandoned children and 40% physical and / or sexual abuse reside in the southern district of Patras, while 40% of minors who have been mentally abused live in the arctic. Conclusions: Our survey showed that child abuse and especially neglect is influenced by low socio-economic family profile, while mental abuse occurs in medium and high socio-economic households. There was a change in the type of abuse, as well as the direct relationship between unemployment, educational level and the living conditions of the child's family.

Keywords: Child abuse, neglect, profile, economic crisis, Patras

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