Quarterly scientific journal

Electronic cigarette and cardiovascular diseases

Christina Ouzouni , Konstantinos Nakakis , Konstantinos Koutsampasopoulos


Smoking is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The e-cigarette has seen a dramatic increase in its use in Europe and America, and while it was originally used as a smoking cessation proposal, its role is now being challenged. The smoke produced by the electronic cigarette does not contain the combustion products produced in the traditional cigarette and thus has been characterized by many researchers as safer. Taking nicotine through the e-cigarette initially raised expectations that the e-cigarette could be an alternative option for reducing or quitting smoking, similar to nicotine replacement therapy. Especially, in smokers who want to quit smoking, the e-cigarette could help to quit smoking at six months, however, there are no studies that compare the effectiveness of its use with other treatments for smoking cessation and therefore drawing conclusions to general population is precarious. Smoking cessation is a key goal in both primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease and the nurse is the cornerstone of this effort. Ongoing studies, as well as the design of new randomized control trials, are expected to provide answers about the potential risks of e-cigarette use, as well as the role its use in smoking cessation.

Keywords: Cigarette smoking, e-cigarette, cardiovascular disease, coronary disease

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