Quarterly scientific journal

Improving medical care and rehabilitation of people with disabilities in

Alexandra Papazisi , Eirini Chainoglou , Euaggelia Lappa


3rd of December Worldwide is dedicated to People with Disabilities. The number of people with disabilities is estimated at around 15% of the world's population, and in Greece the number of people with disabilities is about 1 million. Although the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities defines the needs of people with disabilities across the globe, however, in Greece, people with disabilities have a low level of health and education, high mortality and unemployment, and often receive social exclusion. Existing rehabilitation and rehabilitation centers - both public and private - cannot meet the needs of people with disabilities in health care and hospitalization and their smooth integration into society. This article proposes decisions to improve the existing public structure "Aristeus" in Larissa, which aim to upgrade the provision of appropriate medical care and rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. Subsequently, the stakeholders were mentioned, the hierarchy of their influence on the development of the improved restoration structure and the analysis of communication objectives to create the appropriate climate for public opinion to support the implementation of the proposed structure.

Keywords: Disabled people, Aristeus, stakeholders, communication goals, decision making

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