Quarterly scientific journal

Social policy and costs of social protection and health

Ioannis Koukoufilippou , Evanthia Papavasileiou , Aristotelis Koinis


The understanding of theoretical models and typologies of social systems is a prerequisite for the study and policy formulation in the health sector. The analysis of health expenditure in Greece in relation to the European Union-15 (EU- 15) countries, is the first step for policymakers. Through literature review and Eurostat databases (ESSPROS) and the OECD (OECD), compiled and presented the necessary statistical and theoretical data reveal deviations of Greece from the average of the EU-15. There is a similarity of pathogens with the other southern European countries and highlighted the major problem of unmet needs of citizens in the health sector. The factors that determine the health costs are understood and indicate the way the country is restructuring and reforming the health sector should follow as part of the overall effort to exit from the eight-year economic crisis and return to growth of the country and welfare of citizens


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