Quarterly scientific journal

The effect of the phenomenon of mobbing at the quality of life of health professionals

Aristotelis Koinis , Emmanouil Velonakis , Foteini Tzavella , Styliani Tziaferi


In the last 15 years, a significant increase of incidents of mobbing in occupational health professionals (Hospitals), mainly in nursing, medical, and administrative staff. The phenomenon of mobbing and its effects on mental and physical health of health professionals, and consequently on the quality of life, in workplace is a significant limitation in the psycho-spiritual balance of employees as well as for the proper functioning of the organization Over time, moral harassment incidents in health workplaces are constantly increasing in numbers. Aim: The study will be based on the research protocol. This study is aimed at documenting the effects of mobbing at the quality of life at health professionals who work at Greek public hospitals. Methods: The methodology followed, included the search for review and research studies, in electronic databases as well as (PubMed, Cinahl, Scopus) and Iatrotek the last fifteen years, using key words as mobbing, health professionals, effects, health facilities, prevent and treatment of mobbing. At the study were used four questionnaires that assess the quality of life (WHOQOOL-BREF), the violent psychological behavior that may be exercised (Workplace Psychologically Violent Behaviours), the general health (General Health Questionnaire-GHQ-28) and the perception of social support (MSPS). The research protocol was submitted for approval to the Ministry of Health in Greece. Expected results: This study aims at giving information about mobbing, the effects on mental and physical health of health professionals in Greece and its effect on their quality of life as well as prevention and treatment measures thereof. The results from this study will be published and enrich the scientific knowledge, and will also activate health education programmes regarding mobbing at health professionals in the future

Keywords: Mobbing, health professionals, effects, health facilities, prevention and treatment of mobbing

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