Quarterly scientific journal

Cervical cancer. Latest data

Dimitrios Kanellopoulos


Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women after breast cancer.The frequency of the disease in advanced countries is 6-10/100.000 women and the majority of those women are 40-50 years old. International epidemiological studies have associated cervical cancer with risk factors such as age of first sexual intercourse, smoking, multiparity, family history of cervical cancer and low socioeconomic level.These factors have been associated with sexual behaviour, without forming independent epidemiological factors causing malignancies. Since 1974,when for the first time scientific studies have proven that HPVs(Human Papilloma Viruses) are sexually transmitted factors associated with cervical cancer, many studies have proven that HPV infection is a precursor for over 95% of cervical cancer cases. HPV infection is the only independent factor causing malignancy. Cervical cancer is controlled in the general population by a highly effective screening method, the Pap test, which has substantially contributed to reducing mortality from the disease. There is a need for providing women with more information on cervical cancer in order for appropriate prevention and treatment. Cervical cancer prevention is not only a personal responsibility and does not concern doctors only, but a network of prevention services within the national health system should be established.

Keywords: Cancer, cervix, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Pap Test

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