Quarterly scientific journal

Causes of infertility

Maria Saridi , Elpida Georgiadi


Infertility seems to be a multidimensional health issue with personal, economic and social dimensions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 8-10% of couples are facing some kind of infertility problem. Infertility is defined as the inability of getting pregnant after trying for at least 6 months or one year, for women over 35 years old, without use of birth control means and while having normal sexual intercourse. Aim: The aim of the present study was to review the literature about the causes οf infertility, as well as the risk factors. The method οf this study included bibliography research from both the review and the research literature, mainly of the last five years in the “pubmed data base” which referred to the causes οf infertility, as well as the risk factors. Results: During recent years, it has been noticed a remarkable increase in the prevalence of infertility, globally. According to the literature, nowadays, infertility occurs not only due to health problems but it may also be a result of the choices imposed by the modern lifestyle. Results of recent studies indicate that, regarding women’s aspect, problems of fallopian tubes, ovary, matrix or disorders menstruation, are the main causes of infertility, while in regard to men’s aspect, the poor quality of sperm and varicocele. Other contributing factors were environmental, socio-economic as well as advanced age of child-bearing and smoking. Conclusions: As it is supported by published evidence, infertility is an issue of great complexity, which threatens with demographic problem. Information of couples regarding risk factors consist the cornerstone for prevention

Keywords: Infertility, causes of infertility, risk factors

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