Quarterly scientific journal

The role of nursing science in global climate ghange

Theodosios Stavrianopoulos , Eleftheria Gevreki , Ourania Gourvelou


Global climate change has had and will have considerable effects on human health. Nursing must become more centrally involved in mitigation, reducing the acidity and response efforts of the problem. Aim: The review of contemporary literature available data regarding the role it can play in nursing science to global climate change. Material and Method: The method used to search electronic databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL, SCOPUS) for review of foreign language literature in 2009. The search took place in December 2009. As eligible for the literature review, the studies found that developing a framework for modern professional nursing action to address and reduce the acidity of global climate change. Results: The main modes of action can be taken by nursing to reduce the acidity of the problem is a) common tactics, which may be followed by all nurses, leading by example, giving advice and taking political action, b) to determine the specificity and the contribution of nursing in specific areas of general health systems, c) right priority of sites, namely the geographical environment is critical and determines the nature of the professional response and d) public surveys and studies on which nurses need to base their decisions because the nursing needs a dedicated area for research to support environmentally activity. Conclusions: The nursing should be linked closely with other professions and sectors in order to maximize national and international efforts to mitigate and combat climate change. The profession's response to climate change should be as varied as the sector itself, and from all countries.

Keywords: Climate change, nurses, nursing action, environment

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