Quarterly scientific journal

Nursing and theological approach of pain

George Katsimigas , Chara Spiliopoulou , Chryso Nastou , Maria Gika


Pain accompanies human beings during the course of their life. Pain causes sorrow to ill, his family and those who take care of them. Man have wanted and tried to explain pain since the beginning of time. The aid towards the person who is in pain is one of most important characteristics of nursing. The professional life of nurses is dedicated to the relief of human pain. The effective relief of pain is not easy for nurses. A good professional orientation, a continuous learning, the evaluation of the patient and a sincere quest of meaning of life are needed. According to the Orthodox belief, pain is considered as a means of discipline and mental alert. Orthodox Christians are asked to follow the example of Jesus Christ and the Saints. The Fathers of the Church consider pain and disease as an indication of God’s Concern as a way of schooling for the repentant man.

Keywords: Pain, Nursing and Pain, Nurse and Disease, Theology and Pain, Disease and Church

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