Quarterly scientific journal

Prevalence of tuberculosis among immigrants and impact on indigenous populations of Europe

Victoria Alikari


From the mid-'80s, the phenomenon of increasing cases of tuberculosis (TB), due to immigration, in developed low prevalence of disease countries, is illustrated by many studies. The particular characteristics of the disease makes the treatment from National Health Systems as a matter of highest interest and the in-depth study of the phenomenon at the level of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and control as urgent. The aim of the study was to review the literature about the prevalence of TB due to immigration to European countries. The methodology of work included search of epidemiologic studies in the electronic data base Pub Med that was reported in the increase of tuberculosis cases because immigration in European countries. The search covers the period 1980-2008 and the words used were: "epidemiology", "resurgence", "tuberculosis", "immigrants", "Europe". Results: In all studies was observed increase of frequency of TB in migrants compared with local populations and independent rate of disease transmission. Higher rates of disease were immigrants from Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. The low socioeconomic level of migrants, drug and alcohol abuse, increased incidence of AIDS, increasing antimicrobial resistance and multi-management, delay in diagnosis and social problems such as unemployment, are some of the aggravating factors in this population. The conformity of migrants in terms of treatment and prevention of transmission was low in most countries. Conclusions: We reassess the sorting process (screening) of immigrants in entering the country, continuous upgrading of the guidelines, knowledge on the disease, especially among young people. Axes control prevention is: the Mantoux test, the radiograph of thorax, the chimeioprofylaxis

Keywords: Epidemiology, resurgence, tuberculosis, immigrants, Europe

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