Quarterly scientific journal

Psychological interactions in chronic disease education – Nursing interventions in chronically patients

Evangelos Giavasopoulos , Paraskevi Gourni


Most of the diseases that the modern person faces in developed countries are chronic. These illnesses in their majority are not cured finally, but constitute situations that we try to control. The use of pharmaceutical medicines and the changes in the life of an individual allow henceforth in the chronically patients to live for along time duration an almost "physiologic" life, even if the chronic disease continues accompanying them. It is already known in all the interdisciplinary health care team that the chronically suffering patients present an enormous variety and differentiation of behaviours and experience abundance biological, psychological and social problems. This ascertainment led the researchers to develop a wide spectrum of theoretical approaches and clinical applications, with basic protractor of their efforts the maintenance of life’s quality as much patients who bear from chronic diseases as their familial environment. Aim of the present literature review was to investigate all the factors that interact in the psychology of an individual at the event of chronic disease, to report all the ways of adaptation in the new situation, and to assign all the nursing interventions that contribute positively in the acceptance of chronic illness. The education of patients with chronic diseases constitutes the corner stone of right therapeutic confrontation. The acceptance by the patient of changes that is required in his way of life is easier provided that when he has completely comprehended the nature of his illness, the gravity of his situation and role that plays the right collaboration with the health care providers.

Keywords: Chronic  Disease,   psychological  interactions,   education,   chronically  patients,   nursing interventions

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