Quarterly scientific journal

Investigations of undesirable behavioural patterns in nursing students experience

Ioanna Christopoulou , Anna Kourtesopoulou , A. Kourtesopoulou , Eleni Siamaga


The purpose of this research work is to investigate the experience of undesirable behaviourable patterns from nursing students in the university and in the places of clinical practice. For this purpose we used the questionnaire of Rautio, Synnari, Nuutinen and Laitala (2005). The data were collected from 104 nursing students (18 male and 86 female), age between 20-26. For the statistical analysis of data was used the SPSS 10.0 for Windows and the chi-square. Results: a) the male nursing students had experienced more verbal undesirable behavior from their teachers and negative comments for their professional carrier from patients. The female nursing students had verbal undesirable behavior from the hospital personnel. b) The students between the ages of 23-26 had experienced verbal undesirable behavior from teachers and hospital personnel. c) The students in the final semester who were doing their clinical practice had more often experienced verbal undesirable behavior from teachers and injustice criticism from hospital personnel. d) The students who were working in the hospital had experienced negative behavior from hospital personnel and negative comments from teachers in comparative with students who were not working

Keywords: Undesirable behavior,  education,  nursing students 

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