Quarterly scientific journal

Non Steroidal Antinflammatory Drugs and Cardiovascular Risk

John Myriokefalitakis , Chariton Antonakoudis , Spyridoula Karogianni


The non steroidal antinflammatorY drugs (NSAIDs) are great family of the drugs, there are different chemistry groups, however with similar actions antinflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic. The discovery of the mechanism of their actions gave the opportunity for explaining their adverse effects and help the production of new drugs. These new drugs suppresses the COX-2 prostaglandins. The use and the indications of the NSAIDs are in common use for many illnesses and from many medical specialists. The contemporaneous descriptions more than one NSAID doesn't help the therapy, on the other hand product more adverses effects.

Keywords: Inflammatory, antiinflammatory, non steroides, prostaglandines, COX-2 inhibitory

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