Quarterly scientific journal

The Concept and the Strategy of Innovation in Nursing Frame

Eleni Lahana , Ioanna Papathanasiou


A hospital is considered to be an institution and a technical system at the same time. The technology influences vitally the hospital that uses a line from new technologies and innovations. The nurse is called daily to adopt new techniques, new terminologies, new problems and to approach them with new prospect. Traditionally, the concept of innovation determined only what it had relation with the technology. Today innovation is defined as any idea, practice or ideology independently if it is really new, but that becomes perceptible as new, from the unit (individual or clinic) that it is adopted. The innovations that we select as solution in a problem are radical or evolutionary and concerning entire the hospital or a department of it. The diffusion of innovation depends from the type of the people that adopt it. The factors that contribute the innovation can be sought in the widest and in the internal frame of the hospital. The strategy of innovation is focused in the love of innovator for change, in the remuneration of individuals that promotes innovations, in the collective work, in the existence of cultural model, in a flexible nursing service, in the reject of classic flow charts, in the via life education and in the adaptation in the wishes of patient. It is point out the continuous need of vigilance of nursing administration in the modem reality. The increase of faculty for innovation will help in the professional survival and development of anyone who is occupied with the administration of nurses.

Keywords: τεχνολογία, καινοτομία, νοσηλευτική υπηρεσία, στρατηγική

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