Quarterly scientific journal

The role of nurse while taking control of quality in a general hospital

Sofia Drakoulogona


The quality in the area of nursing is a subject of study that began relatively recently, but has been increasing in swift rythms during the last years. The patient, while in the hospital has concrete needs that should be satisfied and in this point the nurse plays an important role. The benefit of qualitative nursing care comes with the understanding of the problem, with the evaluation of the needs of the patient, with the application of an action plan with the observation of nursing processes, with the existence of common objectives and with the evaluation of the results. In order to be feasible a quality program must be applied by a quality team (member of which is the nurse), and should have a vision, a enterprising plan and targets. The objective is the benefit of care, the increase of output and the reduction of repercussions and complications that vindicate the requirements of the patients. Essential are the continuous education of the nurses and the maintenance and increase of knowledge and their dexterities depending on the needs and the increasing requirements in the areas of health.

Keywords: Ποιότητα, ομάδα ποιότητας, νοσηλευτής ποιότητας, συστήματα ποιότητας, βελτίωση ποιότητας

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