Quarterly scientific journal

The course of the National Health System in Greece from the 19th century until today and the necessity for radical statutorial modifications in this structure and its role

Eleni Lahana , Stiliani Kotrotsiou


The health system consists a basic component of social politics and any alteration in its nature as well as its role affects its allocated components and therefore health also. In our country the health sectors’ development and organization course is parallel to that of the Greek governments' itself. A sequence of legislative measures from the 19th century till today formed a health system that, despite the significant steps that were made these past few years, faces major organization, management, efficiency and performance problems. At present the NHS requires radical statutorial modifications and due to the quantitative growth of the past years, efforts must focus towards the direction of the improvement in the quality and the efficiency of health services offered. The primary sections that require radical statutorial modifications are decentralization, first-degree health care, nursing, financing and social justice in the NHS structure. Every health system is an “open health system” which constantly changes and adapts to social alterations and to technological evolutionwithout it ever concluding. Margins for improvement alterations and reforstem, statutorial measures, problems, mational interventions will always exist just as long as they explicit, realistic, changes and non-dogmatic so that dialogue can be specific, honest and efficient.

Keywords: Social politics, health system, statutorial measures, problems, changes

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