Quarterly scientific journal

Therapeutic relationship between a nurse and a psychiatric patient at the public hospital

Dimitra-Nikoletta Petrouli , Maria Kriki , Loukas Zilfidis , Fotini Athanasiadou


Introduction: The therapeutic relationship is a key factor in the nursing role and the key to achieving positive results especially for recipients of mental health services. That's why nurses need to find ways to promote it.

Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the therapeutic relationship and new data in psychiatric patients in the public hospital.

Material - Methods: Articles from official databases of the last five years by Google Scholar and Pubmed were used. There are some articles that belong to the decade. The use of these articles has been limited by the number of articles in the last five years.

Results: Nurses' relationship with patients changes as a result of the experience. They acquire a more professional way of caring and develop defense mechanisms to deal with people and situations that used to upset them. Despite the pressure from the work environment, nurses feel able to develop satisfactory therapeutic relationships with patients. People who have developed the skills of self-knowledge and empathy calmly face the important events of work life, are usually calm, can reduce anxiety and control their impulses.

Conclusion: Psychiatric nurses are aware of the importance of a therapeutic relationship to people who have mental health problems in a hospital. Nevertheless, a review of the scientific evidence shows that theoretical knowledge alone is not sufficient to establish an adequate therapeutic relationship. Strategies for promoting change are therefore needed to enhance this relationship. The objectives of the studies are to create changes in the way nurses establish the therapeutic relationship in a public hospital, based on participatory action research and evaluation of the effectiveness of data application through this method.

Keywords: therapeutic relationship, nurse, psychiatric patient, public hospital

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