Quarterly scientific journal

The role of the school nurse in special education secondary school units

Dimitra Koniari , Georgios Raftoulis


The present article is an attempt to investigate the current issue regarding to the role of the school nurse in special secondary education school units as in this level the school nurses have to face, after all, the most challenges due to the age of the students. In particular, this new institution of the Greek school is fundamental as it, firstly, contributes to the prevention of any students' problems as well as to ensuring and promoting their health, both physical and mental. Through schools nurse advice and their appropriate guidance, problems of school community and especially of a special unit can be removed or either eliminated. For all the above reasons, it is made an attempt to record, analyze and interpret the necessity of school nurses in secondary special education school units. Also, it is mentioned and interpreted the different roles to which each school nurse is called to be responded. After all, no one can dispute the fact that the school nurse is the link between the student, the family and the school structure. School nurse is a crucial factor for the normally function of the school unit and its further opening to society.

Keywords: special education, school nurse, duties, responsibilities

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