Paraskevi Tsormpatzoudi , Alexandra Gkliati
Introduction: The burnout syndrome is a phenomenon that used to concern and continues to do so, the scientific community. Especially, the field of Nursing, as it occurs mainly in nurses. The outbreak of COVID-19 made the problem bigger since Health System and nurses had to deal with the biggest part of this situation.
Aim: The aim of this review was to study the burn out syndrome of nurses during the pandemic of covid-19.
Methods: The method of this study included bibliography research. The researches were online platforms such as Google Scholar. The bibliography was based on both past and current research data, focusing on recent research during the pandemic.
Results: According to the results of the review, there were significant factors that led to an increase in professional burnout among nurses during the pandemic. The main factors were the excessive workload, overtime and the fear of exposure to the virus. Additionally, among the above are the lack of social recognition and support and the neglect of personal needs experienced by the nursing staff.
Conclusions: It is vital to recognize and treat the burnout syndrome in the right time with the appropriate interventions. Even if these interventions are individual or come from the Health institutions. It has to do with both nurses’ and patients’ safety. The goal is to achieve the best provision of Health services.