Quarterly scientific journal


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Rostrum of Asclepius Vol 18, No. 4 (2019): October - December 2019

Investigating user satisfaction with the services provided by the care program “Helping Elderly at Home” and assessing their self-evaluation health level: The case of the program “Helping Elderly at Home” in the municipality of Kilkis

Elissavet Frengidou , Elisavet Frengidou , Athanasios Nikolentzos , Petros Galanis , Antonia Papadopoulou

Rostrum of Asclepius Vol 23, No. 3 (2024): July - September 2024

The consequences of the Burnout Syndrome in the workers of the health services and the interventions to address it.

Kyriakos Pailas

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