Quarterly scientific journal

Health Attitudes and Professionals of Health Services

Aikaterini Marvaki , Maria Avramika , Georgia Karkouli , Olga Kadda , Markella Drizou , Antonia Kalogianni , Athanasia Nestor


The purpose of this study was to estimate the health's attitudes of professional nurses and some o their habits that have to do with safety rules. Methods: The study's sample consisted of 280 nurses, whc work in hospitals of Athens. Specifically, 18.5% of the sample were men and 81.5% women. The age of these people was between 25 and 55 years old. 10.3% of the sample had University degree diploma and the rest o: them Middle high school diploma (technologica education). In order to collect the information, it was usee a self-completed questionnaire of 20 closed endec questions. Results: From the statistical analysis came out that: Health's attitudes supports 40.8% of the sample, while those who are married follow these rules in contrast tc those who are not married and the results were statistical significant at the p< 0.001 level. 1.5% of the married participants declare that usei addictive substances 'rarely', so is the 6.1% of the unmarried ones, appearing statistical significant results at the p< 0.001 level. Nurses smoke 'very much', in a percentage of 32.3%, wit! statistical significant results in contrast to those who dc not smoke. 16% of the female nurses 'often' proceed in ar annual check up and 6, 6% of the males participants, presenting statistical significant at the p< 0.002 level. 10.4% of women and 4.9% of men 'never' sleep 7-8 hours a day. 44% of the participants who work over 10 years find 'rarely' spare time for favorite activities in contrast to the 7.5% of the sample which can find 'always' time. At the same time, 20.3% of those who work for 5-10 years have 'rarely' spare time in comparison to the 1.3% which always has, time presenting statistical significant results at the p< 0.001 level. Conclusions: From the data's analysis is revealed that the nurses smoke in high percentages, but they do not, however use toxic substances by no means. A smaU percentage proceeds in annual check up. The majority oi the participants do not dedicate enough time for theii families, their friends and their favorites occupations.

Keywords: Healths attitudes, smoking, diet, exercise, nurses

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