Marina Κatsantridou , Vasiliki Tziomallou
Introduction: fashion of artificial nails is followed by many health professionals. However, the guidelines recommend the avoidance of artificial nails to prevent the transmission of pathogenic bacteria in the hospital environment as well as the patients so that morbidity and mortality are at low rates.
Aim: This review explores the microbial burden that may be present in the artificial nails of healthcare professionals and the risk of transmission of pathogenic bacteria to patients as well as the understanding of guidelines for short, natural nails without the use of varnish or gel.
Material-method: The bibliography was searched from December 2022 to March 2023 without a time limit for the past, in English and Greek, in Pub Med, American Journal of Infection Control, CDC, WHO, EODY. Research studies and case studies with index words were included: artificial nails, bacterial transmission, pathogen transmission, hospital acquired infection, nail hygiene, hand hygiene with a combination of the above terms such as artificial nails and bacterial transmission, artificial nails and pathogen transmission, etc.
Results: Artificial nails become colonized with pathogenic bacteria and are responsible for the occurrence of serious nosocomial infections in vulnerable patients such as neonates and surgical patients with increased hospital stay and even death. Their microbial load increases over the days while their long length contributes to the difficulty of removing it.
Conclusions: Adherence to the rules of nail hygiene is a parameter that is recommended to be taken into account and followed by all health professionals as the transmission of an infection can occur in an unexpected way or conditions. Artificial nails are rightfully recommended to be avoided in healthcare facilities.
Keywords: Nosocomial infection, artificial nails, bacteria transmission, pathogen transmission, nail and hand hygiene